What is ‘Neck Drop’ in pattern making?

We use the term ‘Neck Drop’ a lot in the industry. And it doesn’t mean the same all the time.
So I want to share with you how we use this term in real life.
Basically, the neck drop is the height from the high shoulder point to the neck point. We call this ‘Back Neck Drop’, and ‘Front Neck Drop’. We don’t measure the length along the line or distance. We measure the neck drop as a height vertically.
However, if you draft blazer patterns, we often use this term in different ways. Because you don’t have a round neckline on the blazer front patterns, we measure it from the high shoulder point to where the first button is. And this time, we don’t measure the height, but distance.
And we use this term when we draft collar or hood patterns as well.
One of my videos shows you how to draft hood patterns, and I explain neck drop for hood patterns. You’ll learn what can be different depending on the neck drop measurements.
Click here to watch the video.
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Step by step written instruction that show you how to draft back body, front body, sleeve, skirt, and neck facing patterns.
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