Raglan Sleeve Pattern Making

Raglan Sleeve is a sleeve that has a diagonal seam from the underarm to the neckline. It can be 1-piece without a shoulder seam. Or it can have a shoulder seam, so 2 pieces for one sleeve.
It has more room in the underarm area, so it allows your arm to move more comfortably.
I have 2 videos on how to draft raglan sleeve patterns. One is the simplest one for t-shirts. The other can be used for jackets with shoulder seams. If you have a set-in sleeve top, and you want to revise to the raglan sleeve top, there this video is for you. Practice both of them and see which one you like for your design.
Click here to watch the simplest raglan sleeve pattern making.
Click here to watch raglan sleeve pattern making from set-in sleeve patterns.
Pattern Making Instruction!
Step by step written instruction that show you how to draft back body, front body, sleeve, skirt, and neck facing patterns.
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