Hood Pattern Drafting

Have you ever tried drafting hood patterns? I know it looks not simple and there are various designs of the hood. But people love hoods on t-shirts or jackets. You should learn how to draft hood patterns.
Once you understand basic hood pattern making, then it's not hard to make all the different designs of the hood. Start with a simple and basic one first. So the basic is 2-piece hood pattern making. After you understand it then move on to 3-piece or try something new designs.
In the video, I explain the relationship between the neck drop and back neck standing in detail.
Click here to watch how to draft 2-piece hood patterns
You can also watch 3-piece hood pattern making
And watch lapel extened hood pattern making.
Pattern Making Instruction!
Step by step written instruction that show you how to draft back body, front body, sleeve, skirt, and neck facing patterns.
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