Armhole Depth in Pattern Making

Let’s define armhole depth.
When we draft tops from scratch, the straight vertical length from the center back neck point to the underarm point is armhole depth. Sometimes people measure from HSP (High Shoulder Point) to the underarm point.
Some people calculate this with the chest measurement but this doesn’t really depend on the chest circumference.
It’s more related to one’s height.
For this type of waistcoat, for women, about 8”(20cm) would be good to start. And you can adjust when you do fitting.
For a bigger chest size, you might want to drop down the under arm point a little bit, but I would suggest widening the armhole width.
That way, you can have a longer armhole length.
Here are some resources you can watch or download.
Click here to watch Waistcoat Back Pattern Making
Click here to watch Waistcoat Front Pattern Making
Click here to watch Waistcoat Facing & Lining Pattern Making
Click here to download Armhole Depth Chart
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